Toll Free: (800) 845-1385 | Phone: (605) 336-7716
Toll Free: (800) 845-1385 | Phone: (605) 336-7716
Toll Free: (800) 845-1385 | Phone: (605) 336-7716
Elston Gopher Getter gopher bait applicators provide a safe, economical, and fast method of controlling gophers.
Safe All our products distribute the bait underground into tunnels, where the gophers are, for maximum safety and effectiveness.
Fast Gopher Getters allow you to treat gopher problems quicker than by hand or by other techniques out there. With our larger models, one man can treat up to 10 acres per hour.
Economical In addition to the time you'll save, all of our products meter out bait in present quantities that provide an effective kill without wasting bait.
The GA-300 adds to our product line by allowing attachment to a different category of hitches than existing standard-duty models such as the GA-400 and GA-500. The GA-300 attaches to Tractors with CAT 2 Standard 3-Point Hitches as well as CAT 2 and CAT 3N Quick Hitches.
The GA-400 is our Standard Model that attaches to Tractors with CAT 1 Standard 3-Point Hitches. It builds and baits an artificial pocket gopher runway in one fast, sure operation. The depth of this runway is adjustable to help you better intercept natural pocket gopher runways.
The GA-500 is our pull-type model and allows for easy highway transportation. The GA-500 attaches to Tractors with Drawbars. It builds and baits an artificial pocket gopher runway in one fast and sure operation. The depth of this runway is adjustable to help you better intercept natural pocket gopher runways.
The Gopher Getter Jr is designed to help you end gopher problems in large lawns or small acreages. Our product has a number of advantages over other gopher solutions.
The GA-700 is our Heavy-Duty Model for Tractors with CAT 1 and CAT 2 Standard 3-Point Hitches. It is designed for large acreages and for use in especially tough ground including some alfalfa. It has a larger heavy duty frame and bait box and a 22" spring loaded coulter.
The GA-800 can attach to CAT 2 and CAT 3 standard 3-Point Hitches as well as CAT 2 and CAT 3 Quick Hitches. It has a larger heavy duty frame, hardened plastic bait box, 22" spring loaded coulter, and an adjustable tunnel depth.
This Torpedo Point is pure solid metal and better to dig the tunnel with out causing such a disturbance in the dirt.